Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Pure mannelijkheid gemengd met gigantische mecha's, humor en aanzienwekkende gevechten. Dat is TTGL.

Angel Densetsu
Kitano heeft het hart van een engel maar het uiterlijk van een demon. Deze korte anime is zo hilarisch dat ik me verplicht voel jullie te waarschuwen voor klaplongen.

Guilty Crown
Zeer goede, vloeiende animatie en geweldige effecten, als het verhaal ook nog mee wil zal dit een goede worden.

So guys, we need to get our facts straight. IF there's going to be a Zombie Apocalypse in the near future, we need a plan. So I've made this post to gather suggestions. I'm also going to add a separate section for this later.
Section 1: Protection
1.1 Close all doors, lock them, do the same with windows and close the curtains. Zombies may still be able to smell or hear you, but we've eliminated one of their five (six?) senses.
1.2 Gather potential weapons. Possible weapons include: Blunt force weapons (Baseball bats, large hammers,...), large slice weapons (swords, ...), power tools (chainsaw, drill,...) and more. You might be able to use the deodorant-lighter combo to create a flame-thrower, but I suggest you only use this in an emergency, since this is pretty close-range. And you want those bastards far away from you.
1.3 Alarm other members. Use every means of communication available: telephone, cellphone, e-mail,...
1.4 Monitor radio and television, information is critical.
Section 2: Transport
2.1 If you're able to drive, use your own car or steal one and come to the rendezvous-point.
2.2 If you can ride a bike (I hope everyone of you can) and have faith in your capability to outrun Zombies,n do so.
2.3 If public transportation is still available, use that, but only if carrying a weapon.
2.4 If other means are available, use those.
2.5 If none are available, STAY IN A SAFE LOCATION.
Section 3: Rendezvous-point
3.1 The current rendezvous point is at Samrai's place. He has the most resources and weapons available. He also lives in a quiet neighbourhood, decreasing the amount of enemies around.
3.2 After the apocalypse strikes, we will wait 2 days at the rendezvous-point before moving. If members are not able to get there on time, we will come looking for you after the 2 day period in order of proximity. If you're not at home when we're coming for you, you're fucked.
Section 4: Long-term
4.1 When all members have been found/mourned for, we will establish our base around Razor's place. He lives in a very quiet neighbourhood, in the middle of the country (less enemies), the fields around his town are perfect for growing crops, there are lot of farm animals for slaughtering/breeding and the farmers are bound to have saved up a large food supply.
4.2 When a base has been made, trip to the water station will have to be made to restore the water flow. Electricity is may be required, luckily wind-energy is available here.
4.3 Army supplies may have to be gathered, to have long-range weapons and explosives.
4.4 Monitor all radio frequencies and television-channels. As always, information remains critical.
1. Japan has mechas. If possible, emigrating to there might be a good idea.
2. Reverse-engineer bazookas to fire Nokias. Then, this will become the easiest Zombie Apocalypse ever.
3. Shopping malls are great locations for picking up potential weapons.
More suggestions to come ! Add your own !n As always, the more information, the greater the chance of survival !
Ik ga gewoon een pak maken uit groenten, iedereen weet dat zombies geen groenten lusten.
Als we mijn huis als tijdelijke basis gaan gebruiken verwacht ik een behoorlijke betaling...
Je betaling is dat we jou niet als aas voor de zombies gebruiken.
Mis:Maar als het nu vegetariƫrs zijn?
Er staan nog andere links op de site zelf.
Dus wat razer zegt is dat hij iedereen wil als aas gebruiken dan vind ik dat we de nitro circus regels moeten volgen :degene van wie het plan is moet het eerst uitvoeren , je suggesties slaan op niets , samrai zijn huis is goed voe scavenging das waar ma 2 dagen daar zitten is wrs heel moeilijk,razer zijn huis is idd afgelegen en dus veilig maar voor hoelang ? Wyvrenkiller out
Best way to survive--> we all sign up in the army. starting from Private we try to get ourselves up to the rank of Commander or Colonel so we have the right to launch nukes, alternatively one of us immigrates to America and tries to become the President. if all else fails, meh let's at least get to the southpole to get to taste a penguin. That is all.