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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Pure mannelijkheid gemengd met gigantische mecha's, humor en aanzienwekkende gevechten. Dat is TTGL.

Angel Densetsu

Kitano heeft het hart van een engel maar het uiterlijk van een demon. Deze korte anime is zo hilarisch dat ik me verplicht voel jullie te waarschuwen voor klaplongen.

Guilty Crown

Zeer goede, vloeiende animatie en geweldige effecten, als het verhaal ook nog mee wil zal dit een goede worden.

Persona 4

Een actie anime gefocust op de relaties van de personages die de spelreeks "Persona" heel nauwkeurig volgt.


Een schokkende ervaring die je aan het begrijp "menselijk" zal laten twijfelen.

1. GunZ: The duel

This game is old as your mom, but it's so good! I've been playing it for about 6 years now. There's no describing it, it's so fast paced the skill gap is so high but when you're good at the game it's awesome! Also, you get a increased chance of carpal tunnel.

2. Runescape
Needs no description, I hope. If you didn't play this you're adopted.

I'm sure this was your childhood, if it wasn't you're adopted. obviously the first generations are better. Oh the hours I have wasted training my charizard to level 100 oh the memories.

4. Team fortress 2
Right now we have all played this, fuckin' hats man.

5. Call of duty
You should have played this, everyone has. Even the little hungry ethiopians have played this series. Ghost + corner = win

This has been Emphasize, I'm out wooosh!
You're adopted.

7 Responses so far.

  1. Emphasize says:

    Derp, foto en opmaak zijn niet doorgekomen op de een of andere manier ._.

  2. Razorhead says:

    3 Shooters en 2 RPG's. Over jouw smaak bestaat geen twijfel.

  3. SamRai says:

    Haven't really played CoD but mehhh...

    I've played Gunz, had some fun with it but I got tired of it easily, Runescape, yeah well everybody played it at some point. It's been over a year since I last loggedn in but it was a really fun game.

    Agreed on pokemon, but mu Dugtrio would have owned your charizard.

    TF is f'n awesome.

  4. SamRai says:

    Wat was de pic? I'll fix it.

  5. Emphasize says:

    The pic was one of the first results on google when you search "Gunz: The duel"

    Gunz is also part rpg, it's boring if you're bad at it, but if you're good like me it's awesome! (My clan was 3rd on the european ladder for a very long time and we also won the clan tournament a few times :D)

  6. SamRai says:

    Done, and don't subtly imply I'm bad at it (just because I am).

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